Davrex - Upgrade V1 to V2
- 3,242.52 DKK
If you own a Davrex version1 you can now upgrade it to a version 2. To be able to do that you will need to send your machine into us and we will do the upgrade
Betala som du vill
![Payment with Swish](/assets/shopassets/paylogos/payment-swish.png)
Payson - Faktura, Delbetalning, Kort, Konto, Bank
Swish - till 123 650 9111 (Skanna QR kod)
DHL - Fri frakt från 1000kr (annars 89kr)
DHL Paket (för företag) - 190kr
Självhämtning Helsingborg - 0kr
If you own a Davrex version1 you can now upgrade it to a version 2. To be able to do that you will need to send your machine into us and we will do the upgrade and then send it back.